Thursday, December 29, 2011

Date 11

So date 11 happened last night....this guy...I haven't met before, so prior to the date their was a bit of texting back and forth too get a feel of how this date might go down, from what I could tell he was sarcastic.  So this pleased me, maybe just a little bit.  I met him downtown at Stoneground (can I just tell you how much I love mapquest, finding this place without it would have been a challenge.)  Anywho.... LOVED Stoneground we shared a Chipotle Chicken Pizza and talked and talked and talked and talked.  Mr. Nick or Sir as I liked too call him is a business kinda guy who just moved back to Utah after traveling for awhile working around the U.S of A.  He loves music, movies and history.  And he has ginger tendencies, but only in his beard. 

So after dinner we walked out too the parking lot and he suggested if I was up for it getting hot chocolate that we should,  um.. .yes of course I am.  So we got hot chocolate and talked alot more about our families, communication and the lack their of, and kinda what we are all about.  So once we realized we had been talking for 4.5 hours.. we though it might be time too call it a night and we may have also came to that decision because the coffee place was closing. 

So this date... super fun, Mr Nick aka Sir was super cute (even if he had ginger tendencies in his beard) and I loved talking to him, so don't even worry peeps, he has already asked me out for a second date... we be going to see Sherlock Holmes. 

P.S. This was my 100th post... kind of a big deal.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Date 10

So.. here we go, we are 1/5 done with the dating game. Impressive right?  But maybe not really... Which is fine too I have fun doing all of this so far.  But I went out with Steve and he is building his town house in Draper right now.. he works for some techy company and he is 30.
Luckily he had the idea of a group date.. so I grabbed my friend Rina to go with us with one of his friends.  We went to Italian Village (I miss the 70's motife of the place)  and just sat and chatted... he then told me he couldn't date anyone under 23 and I was like uh.... I am 22.
Needless to say he was a bit surprised.. haha but he quickly changed his answer to 22, smooth Steve.
It was fun, good, and I liked the food.

Monday, December 5, 2011


I just wanted too share this message, my cousin and my sister both posted it on facebook.  So I decided to watch it because both girls are extremely spiritual and amazing examples to me of being Christlike and excelling in the Gospel. 
This devotional brought me too tears and I was filled with the Spirit, I hope that anyone struggling with anything in life watches this and feels the same comfort I did.  I am so blessed and grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I know I have my struggles.. I sometimes lack faith and question why this is happening too me.  But my Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost confirm too me yet again, how everything works out and how truly blessed I am. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Date 9

This date made me giddy, seriously, giddy.
So.. it was a blind date and I met him at Salt Lake Burger Company.
He is 6"5 seriously.. I love me tall boys and in business attire, yes please.
Our waitress knew it was our first date, so she was all excited for us, she was seriously adorable...
So we ate and chatted... it was fabulous... two and half hours later we decided it was time too leave seeing they were trying to close the restraunt.
But it was so so fun and he is a hard working motivated guy.  Who is attractive and has a dry sense of humor and actually laughed at my jokes.
Kinda hope their is a second date.