Saturday, October 8, 2011

Date 6

Date 6 was fun.
It was a group blind date, my sister and I were set up by one of our cute co-workers.
So we drove down to Provo and of course Aubrey and I got into such a deep conversation we realized our next sign said Manti... oops.
So after turning around and back tracking a bit.
We went to cute Lisa and Sean's apartment and made dinner I made a dessert, that of course I found on pinterest. 
{Toffee Fudge Bars.. basically amazing.}
Then we ate dinner, my date is an IT dude, graduating from BYU this April and he had a leather jacket all the other guys in our group that night wanted.
After dinner we went to Wal Mart and played the Wal Mart game where you retrieve 10 things from the store switch carts and then try and put everything back.
Unfortunately we lost... but it is okay, I was still entertained as IT guy almost took out Wal Mart bystanders too try and win.
We went back to the apartment and played Quelf and ate my way yummy dessert.
Definitely way fun!!!

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